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Compensation Claims


Have you been involved in an incident that has impacted your life? You may be entitled to a compensation claim. If eligible, compensation can financially assist you in covering costs for recovery and lost income.

At Peninsula Law, we understand that people seeking compensation may be vulnerable and that claims can be overwhelming, so let Peninsula Law look after your interests.

  • Motor vehicle accident claims
  • Worker's compensation & work injury damages claims
  • Medical negligence, public liability & more


Are all types of employees covered for work related injuries and illnesses?

Yes, all employees are covered i.e., full-time, part-time and casual employees. Workers Compensation insurance covers all employees for every injury or illness that can occur at work.

How much will I be charged for assistance in a Workers Compensation matter?

In New South Wales, all workers compensation claims are funded by the government through a body called the Independent Review Office (IRO). This means that you will not receive a bill from us for the work that we do on your workers compensation claim. All our fees are paid by IRO.

Are there any time limits involved in Motor Vehicle Accident claims?

Yes, there are. To best protect your position so there are no out of time issues and you are paid all the entitlements that you are entitled to, you should seek legal advice as well as report the accident to the Police and lodge a Statutory Benefits Claim with the relevant CTP Insurer within in 28 days. (A Statutory Benefits Claim can be lodged within three months of the date of the accident but if it is lodged outside 28 days from the date of the Motor Vehicle Accident there will be no back payment of weekly benefits for loss of wages).

What option are available to me if as a result of my injury or illness I can never return to work?

If you have suffered injury or illness and can no longer do the work you once could, you may be entitled to a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance benefit through your superannuation.

A TPD claim entitles you to payment of a lump sum if you have suffered an injury or illness that prevents you from returning to work in the same capacity.

A benefit payment can fund current and future medical costs, clear any debts that may have accrued and provides you with a source of income to help restore your quality of life as far as possible.

To discuss your eligibility and to answer any questions in relation to TPD claims, please contact our office.